This week in October is National Week of Respect, One of the local schools in our area actually has a pledge to help remind people to have respect for other people. This is the pledge below.




    I think this pledge is a good pledge on respect because it says to respect big and small, and to accept them for their differences.

    The dictionary says the definition of respect is “esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person.” I think respect means to not be mean to someone and treat them like you want to be treated. If I saw someone being disrespectful I would tell them to knock it off. Respect can mean many things, like following a teacher's instructions, or being quiet when someone else is talking.

  I think it would be a good idea for Navesink school to make its own pledge on respect to help to develop a healthy community and safe emotional environment

By: Michael J. Coffman
      Today, Monday the 7th of October, 2013 there are more than 100 kids and teens that are bullies. This is a serious problem that should be stopped! It can hurt physically, mentally, and on-line emotionally. So, starting today let's all stand up against bullying and prevent this!
    If someone is bullying you or someone else, you have a voice as loud as the bully's. So does everyone in the world. So, speak up and make a difference to stop bullying. 
     The teal ribbon above is another symbol  for Anti-Bullying awareness. By wearing this teal ribbon with pride you can be an example to your friends and others! Also, our school has an Anti-Bullying specialist that is here to help with problems and serious questions.

By: Natalie Ziaj
    Right now in Navesink School there are two upcoming events! One is the Fall Festival, on Saturday,October 5th. It will have face painting, a coloring contest, a DJ and other games. Another exciting event is The Great Race on October 19th. Last year there was a contest between Mr.Altobello and Mrs. Moyer... she won. They will race again this year too.
    At The Great Race there will be face painting and carnival games. The holiday on it's spooky way is... HALLOWEEN! So think of your costume and have a Happy Halloween        by:Maggie Chesek

    On Saturday October 5th Navesink School's PTA held its Fall Festival . I think the fest was a hit with all the fun games and great food.

    At the fest they had a chili contest. I was surprised to see how many people participated. I didn't try them, but they looked amazing!

    This year at the festival most of the games were free and they all were fun. I thought that was really cool. By the book garden they had a craft station and you were able to make your own survival bracelet. Mrs. Moyer was one of the helpers.

    In conclusion I thought this was a good fall fest. This fest was a great time for me and my family.

By Kieran Dixon