I am sure you have all noticed that we have been getting a lot of snow. School was closed last week on Dec. 10th because it was snowing. This past weekend there were heavy winds and snow. It is also snowed again today.

Speaking of snow, in art class we made snowflakes. The snowflakes were made out of popsicle sticks. We glued the sticks together and added glitter. They were all different sizes. We worked on them over two art classes. I think they came out nice.

I hope we have more snow over the holidays. Hope you enjoyed my blog, byeeeeee.

By: Michael J, Coffman


     Here comes that time of year when the Christmas trees and Menorahs come up, and so do the band instruments! It's the Navesink School's 2013 4th & 5th grade Holiday band!   Mrs.Domashinski (the school band teacher) is teaching all of the band students all of the songs that we'll be playing for the concert on the date of December 16th at 9:05 a.m. 
     The songs that we'll be playing for our audience are Rain,Rain, Hot Cross Buns, Go Tell Aunt Rhodie, Merrily we roll Along, A La Rueda , Good King Wenceslas, Jingle Bells, Jolly Old St.Nicholas, Dreidel Song, The Good Life and Kwanzaa Celebration. 
     The instruments that we will be playing in the concert are the percussion instruments, trumpets, trombones, flutes, saxophones, and the clarinets.  I will be performing in the concert playing the clarinet. This being my 2nd year playing the clarinet I am now  in the intermediate woodwind group including some of my 5th grade classmates. Hope you have a fun time at the concert,see you there!             

              The Half Day

   Merry almost Christmas everybody or Happy Hanukkah people who celebrate it , but lets talk about the title. As most of you know today is a half day for the kids, I think it has something to do with teachers meeting up and discussing things they are going to teach us or something like that. Anyway I hope you all have a wonderful half day enjoy it while you can and you never know I might see today  on the half day.
See you later and have a wonderful Christmas and see you in my next blog.

                                                      Ethan Dreyer 

     The Giving Tree is a holiday gift program directed by Ms. Hogan, our school nurse. It was created to give to those who are less fortunate. Basically you go to the "tree" (the board in front of the main office) and you get a card with the info about the child and you get the presents. I think that this is a great program for helping those in need so come and give to others !    

  By: Stella S.

   November is a month with a TONS of days off! We had off these days because of…

- 11/5/13 Election Day

- 11/7/13 - 11/8/13 Teachers Workshop

- 11/11/13 Veterans Day

*We have had a lot of days off, but there are still more to go!

- 11/27/13 (half day) Holiday Spirit!

- 11/28/13 - 11/29/13 Thanksgiving

With that many days off I don’t know what to do! So many days off I might need to make more plans. With Thanksgiving right around the corner get ready to see family. I know I can’t wait for Thanksgiving! I hope you enjoy/enjoyed your days off of school. I know I did and I will!

               By: Francesca D.

     Mr. Delfino's class recently went on a class trip to Poricy Park. Poricy Park is a large historical park that is home to the Murray House and barn that is about 100-200 years old. It is also a place for class trips.
     This year we went to learn about navigation skills. We learned how to use a compass, GPS, and learned how people navigated up to 500 years ago!
     You use the compass by lining up the direction you want to go with the not-red arrow. Then you line up the red needle with the red arrow on in the compass. As long as they are lined up, the outer line shows the indicated direction.
     My group learned about the Vikings. The Vikings used birds behavior to determine where land is and where the sea was. If the bird had food in its mouth and it was flying, most likely it was heading towards land. If the bird had no food and it was flying, it is most likely flying to sea to get food. Sometimes the Vikings brought Ravens aboard and let them free to watch where they go.
     The Vikings needed to follow the sun when they traveled. When the sun was covered by clouds, they found their own technique. They would use a sun stone. Sun stone is a unique mineral that illuminates when it is directed to light. So when the clouds set in, the Vikings would move the sun stone until it produced light. 
      Poricy Park was very interesting, and if you ever visit for a class trip, I hope you enjoy and learn even more than I did.    

                              By Matthew M.
     Poricy Park is a Middletown Park you go to in 4th and 5th grade. Poricy Park is really fun and cool. I learned a lot of things from there and I saw somethings I never saw before. Poricy Park is really fun and I just came back from there on our class trip for navi.

By Trinity Rusbarsky
Thanksgiving Traditions

Thanksgiving is coming soon and I am very excited to tell you about it. Thanksgiving is a wonderful  holiday  because everyone celebrates it. Thanksgiving is a great time to spend with your family.

There are different  traditions  for Thanksgiving. One of my traditions is  that I go to the North South football game. Every year they have it at either at  North or South. This year it is at South.They switch off every year. I usually stay at the football game for awhile and then I go to my grandmother’s house for Thanksgiving. A lot of people drive far for Thanksgiving, but most of my relatives live in the area of Middletown.

When I get to my grandmother’s house I say hello to everyone. Also my relatives, my brother and sister and I  like to throw a football around. We also like to watch NFL football on Thanksgiving. As it gets a little later we prepare for the feast. We eat a lot of things like turkey, corn bread, cranberries, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and corn casserole. They are all very delicious foods.We put a bunch of tables together and a bunch of chairs.Every year we have up 20 people at our Thanksgiving feast.

I have a lot of great stuff in my life and I am all thankful for it. I am thankful for my family because if I did not have my family then I would not be alive. My family cares for me every day. I would not survive without my family.I am also thankful for all of the friends I have. I would not be as happy of a person if it was not for my friends.

I hope you enjoyed my blog about Thanksgiving. I hope everyone has a great and fun Thanksgiving.  Go South!

By Matthew Corey
     This is the time of year when we all get together and celebrate for what we give thanks for. I especially give thanks for getting a break from our teachers. I mean their great and everything but we (the students) just need a break from learning! Our brain capacity can only hold so much. I also think that the teachers need a break from us! I think that all the teachers would agree with me because they have to talk and talk all day and teach us all of these different lessons and then some more . Their life is basically the same as ours and sometimes we just need a break I'm grateful for that. (We have the 28th and 29th off!)
                    HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
   by:Lydia Enstrom
During the week we have a "Special" each day. Our Specials are Spanish, Health, Gym, Music and Art.
     In Spanish our wonderful teacher gives us lessons on how to read and speak Spanish. The Music teacher has us singing and learning all of the music notes and scales. We also make up our own songs with instruments and partners.  

     Art is a magical place where we get to learn about famous artists.  Gym is a good place to get our exercise playing soccer and throwing footballs.

     These are all of the Specials for every grade in our school.

       By Frances Majors
     Yesterday ,Tuesday,November,5 was Election Day. Our school got off for Election Day and I thought that was AWESOME! This Election Day was for the Board of Education and the Governors race. We didn't only have off that one day but we also don't have school Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday and Monday. We have off Thursday and Friday for Teachers Convention and we have off Monday for Veterans Day. That's five days in a row! So have a GREAT LONG weekend , have lots of fun , and have sleepovers!

     By: Maggie Chesek
           Happy Halloween Navesink School! Who can wait for the Navesink School Halloween Parade...because I know I can't. I'm glad we're getting to do it this year, especially for all the kids that didn't get to do it because of Hurricane Sandy last year.
          We're also excited for the class parties we get to have. They're so  much fun,because we get to sit wherever we want and talk with your friends as we eat delicious snacks. Mmmmm!!
         Another thing is how excited are you about your cool costume? And how about trick-or-treating after school? We may even get to leave school early with our parents (Shhh. Dont' tell the teachers). 
         Well, before I go, I want to say,"HAPPY HALLOWEEN" Navesink School!!!
                                                  by Ethan Dreyer

     On October 27th in the Navesink Parking Lot, there will be a Truck or Treat. It is between 1-3. This is important because last year after so many of us bought costumes, Super Storm Sandy made it impossible for us to Trick-or-Treat. It was something fun for us to do after we had been out of power for so many days. So this year, I hope people will decorate their cars, and kids will come and remember how happy it made us last year. Plus, it is also great for younger kids who do not want to walk too far.                                                                                                                                             By,                                                                                         Dylan Fallon      
   Just last week I started Garden Club. It was so much fun. At the end of the year we bring back the plants we took home.Then we have to go to this show for our plants . Judges look at our plants and they pick the best plant out of all of the other plants that other people brought home.

     The club advisors are Mrs. Shermen and some of her friends. They are awesome and so nice and help us with everything. I don't know what I would do without them. If I didn't have them I wouldn't know how to take care of my plant and keep it healthy. This year we'll plant veggies, flowers and all sorts of other stuff.
     I wanted to do Garden Club because it's our last year to do it. If I didn't do it this year I couldn't do it at all because next year I'll be in Bayshore .  Do what you can now, live your life now while you still have it.
     I am currently reading a book called "Touching Spirit Bear." The book is authored by Ben Mikaelsen, and is about a boy who does no trust anyone and went to an island called Circle Justice because he did not want to go to jail. Circle Justice is a place were juvinials went to change and learn to love again. He was going to jail because he smashed another boy Peter's skull against the sidewalk after he told about him robbing a hardware store. The mythical spirit bear takes him away to change how he thinks, acts, and how to love others.
                        By Matthew M.
     If you think there is an attack of the scarecrows going on in Navesink don't worry its just a fall PTA fundraiser. They are all over the place including the playground and sidewalks. The scarecrows out side of the school cost $20. But you can get more then one. If your scarecrow is not up there it will be.My Mom is working on them and its taking her a long time to do all that. She works on the wood and names to show the person, class or family that helped to support our school. Don't worry your scarecrow will be up there soon. I think they will be up till Thanksgiving and then the scarecrow you sponsored can go home with you.

By  Trinity Rusbarsky
      Band is a very fun thing to learn. My sister played in band when she was my age. She told me that it is a very good learning experience. I didn't play band in fourth grade, so I thought I would give it a shot in fifth grade. 

    Band is very important. There are a lot of different parts. My instrument the clarinet has a lot of steps. At times it can be very confusing, but as long as you try your best you will be successful. Playing an instrument is not the easiest thing in the world. To get better you have to practice. Practicing can be very easy as long as you set your mind to the goal you’re trying to achieve.

      Even though I've only been doing band for five weeks I have improved and learned a lot. I went from putting the instrument together to playing notes. In band you have to take it little by little. If it is your first time playing an instrument then you can’t just expect yourself to be amazing at band. You will become good at band over time. You just can’t rush it. Band is fun, exciting and I am so glad that I joined band this year. There is a great year of band coming up. In fourth or fifth grade if you get the chance to play an instrument then I recommend you say sign up.

By Matthew Corey

      Hello today I am writing about Project Plus. Project Plus is a fun program to help learn about what not to do with bad stuff and not get in trouble with the police.  There will be guest speakers like police officers and other important people Project Plus meetings.  There are two meeting nights every week for six weeks so kids have an option of which one they can attend.

     At one of the meetings you'll get handcuffed and meet important people and you get to reenact how you would go to jail if you get caught stealing. They also provide snacks , drinks every week and a pizza party at the end of the program.  We'll also learn the consequences if you get caught stealing money or jewelry.  One final detail is I estimate there will be over 100 kids and at least 4 schools participating.

By  Riley Franklin

        The Great Race is coming up and it is on October 19, 2013. Our whole school had a pep rally for the Great Race and we sang a rap to get everyone excited for the Great Race.

        Mrs.Ford and Mrs.Selander spoke and told us about the class that gets the most forms in by October 8 will get to have a pizza party . Mrs.Fords class is winning so I think that they will get to have a pizza party this year. 

By  Lydia Enstrom
Techies for computer help!

Techies for teachers!

Tech is for techies and that’s what they are!

           You may be wondering what a techie is. A techie is a group member in the new tech group directed by Ms. Schaffer. The techies learn new computer tips/things that might be helpful to know.”Meet with other techies and Ms. Schaffer at least once a week (a “working” lunch and/or one day after school)’’ says Ms. Schaffer.

     You are going to be using computers, and helping teachers (with luck the principal Mr. Altobello)! I predict that the techies group will be lots of fun! I am even thinking of joining myself. If you would like to join also the link is below!
