Band is a very fun thing to learn. My sister played in band when she was my age. She told me that it is a very good learning experience. I didn't play band in fourth grade, so I thought I would give it a shot in fifth grade. 

    Band is very important. There are a lot of different parts. My instrument the clarinet has a lot of steps. At times it can be very confusing, but as long as you try your best you will be successful. Playing an instrument is not the easiest thing in the world. To get better you have to practice. Practicing can be very easy as long as you set your mind to the goal you’re trying to achieve.

      Even though I've only been doing band for five weeks I have improved and learned a lot. I went from putting the instrument together to playing notes. In band you have to take it little by little. If it is your first time playing an instrument then you can’t just expect yourself to be amazing at band. You will become good at band over time. You just can’t rush it. Band is fun, exciting and I am so glad that I joined band this year. There is a great year of band coming up. In fourth or fifth grade if you get the chance to play an instrument then I recommend you say sign up.

By Matthew Corey

Scott Melski
10/16/2013 07:17:33 am

Great job Matt

Matthew Corey
10/20/2013 02:56:54 am


10/16/2013 11:06:25 pm

Heyy band is so much fun in Bayshore Mrs Alexander is so nice only six graders get skip and go on a tour to every elementary school in middle town.You also at the end of the year with the whole band go to six flags to compete in a competition and you stay there the whole day so don't quit keep it up
Doreen M
Morals p 1/2

Matthew Corey
10/23/2013 09:57:26 am

Thanks Im going to stay with it . It's a lot of fun.

Erin M
10/16/2013 11:08:59 pm

Band in Bayshore is so much fun. Mrs. Alexandre is really funny. I hope you join the Bayshore band! I play the clarinet too and its really fun. Please join because you even go on a trip to six flags!! Happy early Halloween!!

Matthew Corey
10/23/2013 09:59:42 am

Thank you I think I'm going to play band in middle school.

Mr. Dellett
10/17/2013 03:59:34 am

Band seems really cool and if you keep doing it in high school and college you always have a great seat for all the football games.

Matthew Corey
10/23/2013 10:01:11 am

I'll have the best seat in the house.

Gabe C
10/17/2013 04:25:58 am

Hey Matt!
Glad to hear your taking the opportunity to get a head start on band! The Clarinet is a cool instrument, and it will really stand out in performances!!!! DON'T GIVE UP! Sometimes playing an instrument gets hard but trust me its worth it! Have fun and allways Do Your Best!! Good Luck! (^__^)

Gabe C
Mr. Morales
7th Grade
Per 10/11

Matthew Corey
10/20/2013 02:58:54 am

Thank you.

Matthew Corey
10/23/2013 10:04:06 am

Thank you very much.

Charles L
10/21/2013 02:56:21 am

When I was in 5th grade I also played in band. I played the alto saxophone and I had a lot of fun. I had to go every Monday morning. I could have also went on Friday but it was optional. I do not play for school but I take lessons at home. Stick with it because it is a lot of fun.

Matthew Corey
10/23/2013 10:06:16 am

Thank you for the great comment.

Dylan Fallon
10/23/2013 06:52:53 am

Great job Matt can't wait to see you play!

Matthew Corey
10/23/2013 09:55:07 am

Thanks Dylan.

10/29/2013 07:37:59 am

Matt I also (LOVE) band!:)


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