Yesterday ,Tuesday,November,5 was Election Day. Our school got off for Election Day and I thought that was AWESOME! This Election Day was for the Board of Education and the Governors race. We didn't only have off that one day but we also don't have school Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday and Monday. We have off Thursday and Friday for Teachers Convention and we have off Monday for Veterans Day. That's five days in a row! So have a GREAT LONG weekend , have lots of fun , and have sleepovers!

     By: Maggie Chesek
11/7/2013 11:17:01 pm

I too am very excited!

11/13/2013 10:02:35 am

I am so HAPPY that we have no school for 5 days straight because you can RELAX!😀

4/1/2014 03:27:14 am

Nice blog!


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