Just last week I started Garden Club. It was so much fun. At the end of the year we bring back the plants we took home.Then we have to go to this show for our plants . Judges look at our plants and they pick the best plant out of all of the other plants that other people brought home.

     The club advisors are Mrs. Shermen and some of her friends. They are awesome and so nice and help us with everything. I don't know what I would do without them. If I didn't have them I wouldn't know how to take care of my plant and keep it healthy. This year we'll plant veggies, flowers and all sorts of other stuff.
     I wanted to do Garden Club because it's our last year to do it. If I didn't do it this year I couldn't do it at all because next year I'll be in Bayshore .  Do what you can now, live your life now while you still have it.
10/29/2013 07:13:29 am

I was wondering who wrote this because it was so well written!:)

10/30/2013 05:28:28 am

If anyone could get back to me on (WHO) wrote this that would be great because this piece of writing is so inspiring!!!!!:)😀😀😀

Scott Melski
11/23/2013 08:34:30 pm

Great Blog to whoever wrote it


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