Hello today I am writing about Project Plus. Project Plus is a fun program to help learn about what not to do with bad stuff and not get in trouble with the police.  There will be guest speakers like police officers and other important people Project Plus meetings.  There are two meeting nights every week for six weeks so kids have an option of which one they can attend.

     At one of the meetings you'll get handcuffed and meet important people and you get to reenact how you would go to jail if you get caught stealing. They also provide snacks , drinks every week and a pizza party at the end of the program.  We'll also learn the consequences if you get caught stealing money or jewelry.  One final detail is I estimate there will be over 100 kids and at least 4 schools participating.

By  Riley Franklin

Mike Coffman
10/16/2013 09:30:48 am

Good job Riley love the blog

Katya N
10/17/2013 01:47:30 am

Great job, Riley! I hope you'll go to the meetings, they seem to be educational and fun. When I was in 5th grade, I enjoyed attending the meetings. They taught me a lot and definitely kept me out of trouble. Have a great day!

Katya N, Mrs.Morales' 7th Grade Class, Bayshore Middle School

Matthew Corey
10/19/2013 10:41:14 am

Nice Job Riley.

Tyler Gunther
10/22/2013 12:17:14 am

Nice job Riley, I took project plus when I was in 5th grade and I loved attending all of the meetings. You're a really good writer too, I was delighted to read this!

Dylan Fallon
10/23/2013 07:01:25 am

Nice Job Riley! Project Plus is awesome!

10/29/2013 08:09:44 am

Awesome job Riley I love project plus it is so much FUN!:)😀

Morgan P
11/19/2013 07:10:19 am

Riley, This is a very interesting post. I hope other people that see this come to the project plus meetings! They seem very fun and a good way to learn about the things not to do. I think that they should have this program in every school. This is because people would learn more and maybe there would be less problems in the world. Good work :)!!
Morgan P, Mrs.Morales' 7th grade class, Bayshore Middle School


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