Happy Halloween Navesink School! Who can wait for the Navesink School Halloween Parade...because I know I can't. I'm glad we're getting to do it this year, especially for all the kids that didn't get to do it because of Hurricane Sandy last year.
          We're also excited for the class parties we get to have. They're so  much fun,because we get to sit wherever we want and talk with your friends as we eat delicious snacks. Mmmmm!!
         Another thing is how excited are you about your cool costume? And how about trick-or-treating after school? We may even get to leave school early with our parents (Shhh. Dont' tell the teachers). 
         Well, before I go, I want to say,"HAPPY HALLOWEEN" Navesink School!!!
                                                  by Ethan Dreyer

11/2/2013 01:48:24 am

I loved the parade (GREAT JOB!) :)


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