Techies for computer help!

Techies for teachers!

Tech is for techies and that’s what they are!

           You may be wondering what a techie is. A techie is a group member in the new tech group directed by Ms. Schaffer. The techies learn new computer tips/things that might be helpful to know.”Meet with other techies and Ms. Schaffer at least once a week (a “working” lunch and/or one day after school)’’ says Ms. Schaffer.

     You are going to be using computers, and helping teachers (with luck the principal Mr. Altobello)! I predict that the techies group will be lots of fun! I am even thinking of joining myself. If you would like to join also the link is below!


10/16/2013 06:41:34 am

sorry forgot to put name....

by: Francesca

10/29/2013 10:34:13 pm

Great job I new that this piece of writing was from you cause you write so beautifully !:)😏

11/7/2013 11:24:20 pm

thx lydia


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