I am currently reading a book called "Touching Spirit Bear." The book is authored by Ben Mikaelsen, and is about a boy who does no trust anyone and went to an island called Circle Justice because he did not want to go to jail. Circle Justice is a place were juvinials went to change and learn to love again. He was going to jail because he smashed another boy Peter's skull against the sidewalk after he told about him robbing a hardware store. The mythical spirit bear takes him away to change how he thinks, acts, and how to love others.
                        By Matthew M.
Joel P
10/18/2013 11:01:25 am

great writing matthew

10/19/2013 07:53:48 am

Matt that was a really great blog. I like how you you told in your blog about your book that your reading.

Dylan Fallon
10/23/2013 06:55:15 am

Awesome Matt I really want to read that book now!

Katy M.
10/27/2013 04:55:49 am

Matt, this is a really great post! I remember when I was in Mr. Delfino's reading class and I read this book! I can't wait for you to finish reading it. You did a great job of explaining what the book was about in a few short sentences.

Katy M.
Mrs. Morales 7th grade class
Bayshore Middle School

Joey L.
10/28/2013 02:40:32 am

Great post. After reading it, I now want to read that book.

10/30/2013 04:16:43 am

Thanks it is really good. It is similar to the Hunger Games (in a way).

10/29/2013 07:07:25 am

On the front page is the guy on the cover a good guy or a bad guy?And is he trying to kill spirit bear?:|

10/30/2013 04:19:10 am

Hes both kind of. He thinks the bear is not afraid of him (and everyone one is,) so he wants to kill it. :l

10/30/2013 05:30:46 am

Thanks and that's so SAD!:(

11/7/2013 11:20:00 pm

That book is really good.


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